Starting with the first installation in 1987 at Reynolds Metals Company, RGB Engineering has installed computerized crowner retrofit systems on many different types, models, and styles of roll grinders, of various domestic and foreign manufacturers. For a complete up-to-date listing, click on the "customer reference list" section. The examples below have been selected in order to show some of the installations which are typical of certain grinder makes and models. Not all the variations are included, the intent being simply to show the broad range of applications for the RGB crowner system. The focus is on the SCA/SLA actuator hardware, since the FFG and FFP computer related equipment is essentially common to all the installations. Although the basic design philosophy is maintained as a common denominator throughout these installation examples, it is also evident after reviewing these designs that each installation is unique and customized for the specific host grinder to the customer's specifications. In this sense, RGB Engineering is providing more a consulting service than a standard product.
Farrel Tilt Infeed - Post 1959 Vintage
Farrel Slideway Infeed - Pre 1960 Vintage