schematic representation below shows the classical Farrel tilt infeed system in
blue, together with the new parts required for the retrofit crowner in red.
Using a novel approach, the computerized equipment interf
with the existing mechanical crowning system through the change gear input.
The cam is still used, with a fixed offset, to actuate the mechanical crown axis
in the conventional manner. Instead of the cam being driven directly from
the crown rack, it is controlled via a DC servo motor, which is commanded from
the FFG computer in conjunction with the LVDT feedback signal.
developed the tilt infeed wheelhead around 1960. All single wheel machines
after this time utilized this design, which consisted of a compound lever
arrangement, superimposing both crown control and normal handwheel feed through
the same pivoting wheelhead structure. The photos below show a Farrel tilt
infeed machine retrofitted with the RGB Engineering FFG/FFP/SCA crowner
assembly. As depicted in the schematic above, the SCA assembly is coupled
to the existing crown drive gear train using a conventional timing belt
connected to the "driven" change gear shaft. The cam is offset a fixed
amount (which is a function of the maximum crown and infeed requirements), and
set up so that it rotates in two quadrants, from 0 to 180 degrees. A DC
servo motor operates through a harmonic drive reducer and the timing belt
connection to rotate the cam through the conventional gear train.
Therefore, depending on the
of motor rotation, the wheel will be moved "in" or "out" as the cam rotates to
pivot the wheelhead about the trunnion axis.
Since the cam output is
nonlinear, a LVDT transducer is mounted in such a way as to measure the cam
follower displacement directly. This provides a linear feedback to
complete the servo loop. One very important feature that distinguishes the
RGB crowner from other systems is the LVDT feedback concept. Instead of
using resolvers at the point of actuation (i.e.: on the motor), which is the
conventional approach with CNC controls, the objective with the RGB SCA and SLA
systems is to locate the feedback transducer (LVDT) as close to the actual wheel
motion as possible. By measuring the tilting motion of the wheelhead
directly, any backlash or lost motion of "upstream" components (such as gear
meshes, key fits, shaft windup, etc.) is automatically eliminated.
An absolute encoder is belt and gear driven
directly from the crown rack pinion, to provide the carriage position inpu
t to
the FFG com
puter. Using the software routines developed for crowning, bed
correction, taper control, etc., the FFG outputs a 0 to 10 volt signal to the
crowner summing board (in the SCA control cabinet), which compares this with the
LVDT feedback voltage, and outputs a voltage reference to the servo motor drive.
As this all happens at computer speed, the result is a wheel path that follows
very closely the theoretical target curves produced by the FFG. A SCA
monitor continuously displays the difference between the FFG target value and the LVDT feedback, which is a direct indication of system accuracy, as well as a
useful diagnostic tool. As can be seen from the above photographs, since
the conventional crown drive train is not disturbed, it would be a simple matter
to remove the timing belt and reinstall the change gears to revert back to
conventional crowning, should it be required in an emergency. The above
crowning arrangement has been retrofitted on a number of Farrel tilt infeed
vintage roll grinders by RGB Engineering. See the customer reference list
for more detail.