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In order minimize the cost of the crowner system for each customer, the philosophy of RGB Engineering is to offer a basic package which includes all the necessary essentials to produce variable crown shapes, with provisions (FFP program) to construct or modify these profiles as needed.  It is also assumed that the bed correction feature is an essential part of the basic package.  However, there are many other enhancements and spin-offs of the fundamental crowner control that are best offered as separately priced options.  This facilitates a building block type of approach, allowing each customer to customize their system based on the type and vintage of the grinder being retrofitted, and the degree of sophistication desired.   Many of the options can be purchased at a later date, since the hardware and software are designed to facilitate this approach.  However, costs may be higher due to the additional engineering required.


Listed below are the major options offered with the RGB crowner.  Click on these headings to find more information on a specific topic. 


Precision Infeed    


Taper Control      


Load Control  


Satellite Work Station     


Coarse Infeed  


Carriage Speed Indicator   


Backlash Compensation  


Trip Switch Safety Enhancement     


Roll Database in Setup Menu  


Data Download  


Pass Counter Alarm 


Remote Control