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The procedure for setting up the FFG system for a specific roll geometry is very simple.  Basically, it consists of a menu driven format which the operator uses to select the desired type of curve, and to set the end stops.


Wheel position along the bed is displayed at all times.


Roll “profiles” (crown shapes) are stored in memory.  During the SETUP mode, the display will prompt the operator for the name of the desired curve he wants to grind.  The profile name determines the “shape” of the desired crown, concave, or special curve.  (I.e.: 70 degree cosine, parabola, CVC “S” curve, compound crown, etc.).  There are also prompts for the “sense” of the curve (crown or concave), as well as the actual magnitude of the crown height.


There are two ways to enter the roll end stop data: The wheel can be positioned at one end of the roll face and the wheel location “entered” through an appropriate command; or, if the roll end stop coordinates are known, the numbers can simply be typed in through the keyboard.  This would generally be the case once a roll has been ground previously and the end coordinates are already known.


The profile information and roll end stops are entered via a “SETUP” mode.  Once data is entered, a “RUN” mode is employed for the actual grinding operation.  The operator will have access to the SETUP and RUN modes only.  The program editing will be controlled through a privilege level “key” lockout using coded software routines.  There is also a “diagnostic” mode to aid troubleshooting efforts, and “help” messages can be called up using the function keys.  When in the RUN mode, the actual profile is displayed on the screen, and a moving bar indicates the wheel position along the curve.  The trip switch coordinates are displayed, as well as other information pertinent to the operator such as the profile digital outputs and the SCA error signal.


A pass counter feature is provided as part of the standard system, which tells the operator how many passes have been made during the present sequence.  This can easily be reset to zero at any time.  An alarm feature is available (as an option), which will initiate an alarm (light, horn, etc.) after a specified number of passes.  This is helpful if an operator has to run more than one grinder, or is away from the grinder performing another task.


The FFP software for editing and creating profiles will be included with the FFG in the IBM computer.  However, the customer will have the option of using the same software in their own remote IBM PC (XT/AT/386/486/Pentium) compatible computer for editing and creating new shapes, or modifying the bed correction curve, off line away from the grinder.  This means that the grinder will not be tied up while making program changes.  The curve generating software is designed to allow the selection of any angle cosine curve or parabola with a few simple commands.  Any other special shape, including the bed correction curve, can be input in x-y coordinate fashion.  Curve fitting routines facilitate profile generation using a limited number of points to approximate the curve.  There is also a routine using Excel spreadsheet formats to enter any mathematical function, such as the third order polynomials associated with CVC curves.  The FFP program is stored on the FFG hard drive, but it is also supplied on a 3-1/2” floppy to facilitate profile development on another office computer.  Any new FFP profiles can be copied to the hard drive as required.  If necessary, the FFG program can run entirely off the FFG 3-1/2” floppy drive.


For the standard crowning mode of operation, it is only necessary to make keyboard entries between grinds, which can be done during the roll change.  And for normal operation, when grinding the same size rolls, usually the only SETUP change required is a crown height adjustment.  The SETUP menus are designed to default to the previous values to simplify the data input.  For example, if only the crown height is changing, this is the only input that has to be reset.  During the power up sequence, the working program will be downloaded into RAM from either the hard drive or the disk drive.  Therefore, as long as the power is up, it is not necessary to access the storage drive while in the RUN mode.  The system will reboot from either the hard drive or the floppy whenever power is restored after being down.


In addition to the main FFG station, a satellite terminal (remote monitor & keyboard) is available as optional equipment.  This would normally be located on the carriage platform (for traveling carriage grinders) so that the operator can make program inputs from either station.  The remote terminal is usually supplied only with certain optional features, like precision infeed or load control, but can be also be included with the basic unit if required.  The monitor display can be configured for either front or back mounting.  The final selection will depend on the mode of operation, and the particular options selected.