This is
an area that should be of utmost concern to all roll shops. Tighter
tolerances and surface finish requirements are taxing machines to their limits
of acceptability. Chatter can be a major contributor leading to loss of
production, poor quality, and extensive machine downtime trying to identify the
source of the problem. This means that the condition of all rotating
elements is critical to a smooth running roll grinder.
Engineering can provide a vibration analysis to investigate the effects of
"forced" vibration - unbalances, bearing noise, runouts, belt problems, etc.
In addition, arrangements can be made for a complete "modal analysis" of the
roll grinder, should it be warranted, which will pinpoint structural weaknesses,
stiffness and damping limitations, and general machine instabilities. This
proven technique utilizes state of the art FFT computer equipment to model the
grinder and monitor the critical points in response to a measured force input.
We have been successful in the past using this approach to identify problem
areas and apply corrective measures such as vibration absorbers and structural
stiffening to eliminate chatter problems.
As is
typical with chatter and pattern problems, one can get many different stories
concerning the severity of the chatter, what it looks like, at what point it was
ground in, if it can be camouflaged, when the problem first occurred, the
direction of the helix, spacing of the marks, etc. Having exhausted the
normal fundamental mechanical checks and standard troubleshooting procedures, it
then becomes necessary to employ vibration analysis techniques to supplement
these methods to help identify the problem. The use of a FFT vibration
analyzer together with a systematic approach toward problem solving can shorten
the time frame considerably. Although not as effective as a comprehensive
modal analysis, it is a relatively low cost alternative, especially for the case
of "forced" vibration problems. It is certainly more cost effective than
the "shotgun" approach, where a multitude of problems are addressed in no
particular order, hoping that by chance the right one may get fixed.
Vibration testing in itself is only as effective as the ability of the analyst
to interpret the data. This can become very difficult in roll grinder work
due to the relatively low levels of vibration compared to other types of
equipment. Even problem machines sometimes fail to provide strong enough
signals to identify suspect areas. The wheel motors are usually of sleeve
bearing design making it difficult to pinpoint unbalances or bearing problems.
With a "one-shot" approach, one must rely on comparisons to "normal" operating
machines in order to form meaningful conclusions. Having more than 30
years of experience with roll grinder vibration investigations, RGB Engineering
has developed an extensive database of comparison surveys. This background
of knowledge is what distinguishes a qualified roll grinder consultant from the
general pool of vibration analysts.
UltraSpec 8000 portable spectrum analyzer is used with an accelero
meter pickup to record and temporarily store the vibration data in the field, which is then
downloaded to a desktop computer back in the office for analysis and plotting.
The photo on the right shows a typical measurement being taken. A representative plot is shown on the
eft. Note that the equipment
provides the basic amplitude vs. frequency plots, but it is still necessary to
analyze and interpret the data to reach meaningful conclusions. Again,
this is an area of expertise that only a person with sufficient roll grinder
background experience can possess.
Basically, there are two types of vibration surveys. The first, as
described above, is employed primarily to solve a specific chatter or grinding
problem. The second is more of a diagnostic tool, used as part of a
preventive maintenance program to establish a baseline footprint of the grinder,
and then to follow up with scheduled periodic repeat checks, the goal being to
minimize excessive machine downtime due to major unscheduled grinder repairs.
The background data is used as a comparison for future surveys, and the
grinder's condition is monitored by noting discrepancies in the vibration
readings from a "normal" pattern.
Please contact RGB Engineering for more detailed information concerning either
type of survey. Customer references can be supplied if required.