complete engineering package was provided by RGB Engineering, with the customer
subcontracting the machining, casting, and installation work locally. The
result was a very successful and cost effective installation, allowing grinding
of paper mill rolls to the tolerances consistent with the Farrel TWRG
accuracies. The machine has been in service since 1989.
Development of Standard Crown Charts

addition to manufacturing complete computerized crowner retrofit systems, RGB
Engineering can also supply conventional crown charts for any grinder with a
mechanical "cam" type crowning device. Usually these are machines that
utilize an adjustable eccentric
cam with "change gears" incorporated into the drive train. Although the
OEM should have provided these crown charts, quite ofte
n they were incomplete,
lacking critical data, or may simply have been lost. The example shown
here is for an old Craven roll grinder. Since Craven is no longer in
business, the customer contracted RGB Engineering to develop
a full set of crown charts for this machine. As can be seen from the schematic,
this particular design, which is unique to Craven, includes an adjustable "index
rod" as part of the wheelhead pivot mechanism. The variable distance "x"
has to be factored into the crown
calculations. The middle chart shows the
change gear selection table, and the bottom one is the chart for a 70 degree
profile, with crowns tabulated up to .100". For this application, charts
were supplied for crown shapes of 60 degrees through 120 degrees in 5 degree
increments. The range and increment of both shape angle and crown amount
can be contracted or expanded to suit the customer's requirements. If
requested, the complete Excel spreadsheet documentation can be supplied.
Taper Carriage Project
A roll
shop, specializing in manufacturing new rolls as well as regrinding rolls for
the paper industry, was planning to relocate to a new facility. Being a
full service shop, grinding accurate tapers on the roll journals and necks was a
necessity. Due to the relocation and the age of the existing equipment,
the grinder that had been dedicated to this function would not be included in
the move. Therefore, a method for grinding roll journal tapers had to be
devised. RGB Engineering was contracted to solve the problem.
alternatives were investigated, but the ultimate solution was to design a
special independent taper carriage, that runs on the same back bed ways.
This carriage does not have its own drive, but is pulled/pushed into position by
the main grinder carriage. It is stored on the tailstock end of the back
bed when not in use, and can be easily removed when required to grind a very
long roll. The photo shows the assembled carriage unit prior to mounting on the
grinder. Of course, what makes this concept feasible is that the grinder
has a long bed (34' O.A.L. roll capacity). Some of the important features
of the taper carriage design concept are as follows:
taper carriage has been in service since 1991, allowing this customer to grind
flat and tapered jour
nals on a variety of different types and sizes of rolls to
the quality standards required by the paper industry. The picture on the
right, taken in 2002, shows the taper carriage in its stored position on the
Craven Traverse Handwheel
Problems were experienced with the traverse mechanism on an old Craven roll
grinder, that is being used for side-face grinding as well as OD grinding in a
specialized roll shop.
Due to wear of the internal gear train elements, the existing carriage
handwheel operation had become erratic and unpredictable, resulting in excessive
plunging of the cut during a side-face grinding sequence, and extra production
time to repair the damage. Although it might have been possible to repair
the existing mechanical transmission, it was decided that the best approach was
to bypass this gear cluster completely, using an external timing belt drive to
an extension shaft bolted to the output shaft pulley hub. The advantage of
the independent drive option was that the machine could still be used for normal
grinding functions while the new parts were being designed and manufactured.
Also, there was no guarantee that the worm parts would be available, since
Craven is no longer in business.

The picture shows the final drive arrangement after the conversion. An
electric clutch is used to disable the handwheel whenever the traverse drive is
being run under motorized control. Conversely, the motor is interlocked so
that it can not run when in the handwheel mode. Since the elements of the
gear train that were causing the erratic handwheel operation are "upstream" of
the driven pulley, the motion with the new drive arrangement is smooth, and the
customer is able to perform side face grinding with increased accuracy and
Landis Grinder Chock Supports
RGB Engineering designed special chock supports and a roll drive arrangement to
allow the grinding of 140" plate mill work rolls in a 36" Landis grinder without
stripping the chocks. The chocks are supported in the stands at a slight
angle resting on the liners. The side reaction is through a motorized
pusher for adjusting the chocks in and out to establish roll alignment.
Since the Landis 36" grinder's swing diameter over the front bed was not
sufficient to allow the 39-1/4" diameter roll to be supported on the headstock
centerline with the chocks in place, a universal drive bar is employed to permit
grinding the roll 10" above the wheel centerline. Adapters are used at
each end of the universal to engage the headstock faceplate and the roll flats.
This conversion was made in 1988, and has been an important part of the
customer's commitment toward producing quality roll grinding at reduced
operating costs using the technique of grinding rolls "in chocks".
Farrel Subbase Infeed Retrofit
Virtually all Farrel tilt infeed single wheel roll grinders manufactured after
1959 included a two speed subbase infeed drive. This was accomplished
using two separate AC motors with a clutch mechanism to rapid feed the subbase
in or out @ 28 ipm, and to feed the subbase in at a slow speed (2 ipm) when
approaching the work. Due to problems with the clutch, brake, and plugging
switch hardware, this has been a maintenance issue on many machines.
Farrel redesigned the drive arrangement on later machines to utilize a single DC
variable speed motor, eliminating the clutch. this required a new motor,
drive, motor mounting bracket, and sometimes a new worm shaft.
Engineering has supplied retrofit packages on the earlier style grinders with
the two motor design, using a variable speed AC drive to interface with the same
AC high speed motor. The advantage is that the existing motor can be used,
and no mechanical alterations have to be done to the machine. This is a
much more cost effective and simpler solution to the problem.
Turning Tool Attachment
aluminum mill roll shop contracted RGB Engineering to modify their 60" Farrel
grinder to supplement the normal grinding function with a wheelhead mounted
lathe tool to "turn" continuous caster work rolls. This involved a
comprehensive engineering study, expanding on work that had been done at Farrel
in the seventies and eighties, to retrofit the standard wheelhead to accept the
lathe tool components and associated controls and hardware.
turning operation is done with the roll mounted in the standard neckrest
supports and on the same journal surfaces that are used to support the roll
during the normal roll grinding. This is an important point, because,
unlike the roll that is turned in a conventional engine lathe on centers, the
setup on neckrests assures that the roll body will be concentric to the necks
after the turning is finished. Usually, only a few grinding passes are
necessary to clean up the roll surface after turning.
same headstock and equalizer drive are used to rotate the roll as with grinding.
The roll rotation is the same - counterclockwise looking at the headstock
faceplate. The headstock motor horsepower, as well as the torque capacity
of the V-belt drive is normally sufficient to handle the extra torque
requirement from the turning forces. This is because the headstock and
motor are usually designed with an ample safety factor to account for the
increased torque required to start a roll on dry necks. Since the turning
forces are applied only after the roll is running under the lower friction
condition, this residual or reserve torque is available for this purpose.
RGB Engineering has developed a specialized computer program to analyze the
forces and torques for a given motor size, headstock capacity, and roll
wheelhead front face was machined to accept the tool holder assembly, the
g of which is depicted in the diagram on the left. There are no
other mechanical modifications required to the wheelhead, subbase, or carriage,
other than the addition of a small coolant nozzle for the cutting tool.
One of the advantages of the wheelhead mounted cutting tool, as opposed to a
front bed independent carriage or even a standard engine lathe, is that the
crowning mechanism can be engaged while turning to produce crown or concave
profiles, the same as if grinding.
distinct difference between conventional turning and the setup on the roll
grinder is the tool geometry. A "broadnosing" technique is used to peal
stock off the sleeved caster roll. Broadnosing exposes the flat edge of the tool
to the work, as opposed to the tool tip as with normal single-point turning.
With broa
dnosing, the depth of cut is less, but the feed rates are higher. The
procedure for
turning a roll is not unlike that for grinding. The tool infeed is accomplished
using the tilt infeed handwheel, and the graduated index dial, for setting
accurate feed increments. The carriage and headstock speeds fall into the
normal roll grinder operating ranges, which is the primary reason broadnosing is
used. The photo shows a roll being turned. Note the formation of the
chip, and the exceptionally clean finish cut.
Special Supports for TTRG
Engineering was contracted to design a special set of roll supports for a unique
style traveling table roll grinder installed at a steel mill in the PRC.
The requirement was to grind small diameter leveler rolls in a grinder designed
for much larger work. Specifically, the grinder has a 711 mm diameter roll
capacity, but the Chinese wanted to grind rolls less than 95 mm diameter, with a
25 mm diameter journal. This required an innovated concept for the steady
rests and roll drive equipment.
existing neckrests were replaced with a support stand, bolted together by tie
rails at the bottom, and the way structures at the top. Each main support
has provisions for clamping to the table using the same clamping surface used
for the neckrests. Bolted to the top of the main supports are a set of
stainless steel rectangular ways, fastened so that the bottom and side gib
blocks can slide the complete length of the ways, and can be removed from each
end if necessary. This permits additional gib blocks to be used as
required by the number of support points on the particular leveler roll being
ground. The gibs are infinitely adjustable along the ways, so that they
can be lined up with specific support areas, and as many or as few can be used
as dictated by the roll to be ground.
adjusted clamp screws, accessible from the operator's side of the machine, are
used to lock the gib blocks in place on the rails. Also, each gib block
includes a movable gib with the same kind of hand adjustment for positioning the
gibs at the correct radius. Teflon type material is used for the gib
contact elements so that coolant water can be used for lubrication.
The a
portion of the design layout drawing is included to give some perspective of the
sizes involved. A complete engineering package (detail drawings, assembly
drawing, bill of material listing, commercial component selection, etc.) was
supplied in metric standards for manufacturing in China.
Hydrostatic Steadyrest
Engineering provided a complete design engineering package for a set of
hydrostatic steadyrests, as part of the overall design of a large backup roll
grinder manufactured
by a leading supplied of new roll grinders. The requirement for this
aluminum mill application included the support and grinding of a 184,000 pound
backup roll with 37" diameter journals. Due to the roll weight and
large diameter necks, the torque capacity of the headstock was inadequate to
start the roll. Rather than complicate the headstock design with a
starting motor, or unnecessarily inflate the cost with a beefed up design, the
solution to the problem was the hydrostatic gib. Actually, it should be
called a hybrid hydrostatic design, since the primary function of the
hydrostatic bearing is for "load relieving" during the starting sequence of the
roll. The gib has two pressure pockets. A central high pressure
recess for starting, and a an outside peripheral groove for low pressure oil
feed during grinding. Once the roll is rotating, the bearing functions
more in a hydrodynamic mode, supplying oil as required to maintain proper
boundary lubrication during the grinding operation.
Engineering supplied the design for the complete neckrest assembly, but the
feature is the "double-radiused" bottom gib. The basic design principles
are shown in the attached portion of the cross-section drawing.
Essentially, what makes this unique is the inherent self-aligning quality of the
bearing. The support elements are made in two pieces. A bearing shoe
has an inside radius to match the journal, and an outside contour of smaller
radius. This bearing is supported in a bottom gib holder, radiused to
match the shoe, and designed to mate with the bottom gib wedge in the
conventional manner. A static analysis of the force vectors, for both the
starting condition as well as when running, verify the self-aligning features of
the bearing. The radiused slide surfaces are manufactured with Rulon
liners to minimize friction, and promote the self adjusting action. The
actual bearing material is Babbitt, with integral O-rings to help maintain
pressure during the load relieving cycle.
Hydrostatic bearings are commonly used in machine tool spindles, or other
applications that have consistent and accurate dimensions functioning in a
relatively clean environment. What makes this application unique, is that
the bearing has to operate against a roll journal with mill quality standards in
an open roll shop environment. The design as briefly described above,
together with a suitably designed hydraulic control system, has functioned well
under adverse operating conditions.